Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Highland Games

I make no excuses for ignoring the blog - blame it all on Facebook and Farmtown!

Last saturday we headed down to oil town Seria for the Highland Games. This is an annual fixture for the expat community that side of Brunei but virtually unheard of our side of the country. We only heard of it from the Cowleys (who used to live here) and told our Scottish friends the Donnelly's about it. Apart from themselves and another family I recognised, we did not see anybody else there and we somehow did not feel like we were in Brunei. I have never been to a Highland Games before and didn't know that although there are over a 100 of these games in Scotland, there are not so many abroad.

It was a fun day and we'll go again - except we will skip the puncture on the way home!

My favourite picture of the day - Jack and his Abang Alexander!

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