Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jack's assembly

Last friday it was Reception's turn to entertain at assembly and they did just that. The theme in the classroom this term has been the jungle and animals and in line with the theme they sang the song "In the jungle..." followed by acting out the story "Toucan". Then they all lined-up at the front of the stage and gave a fact each on an animal, a line given and practiced with one boy taking the mic round asking "Do you know what?"

Jack's line was:
Boy 1: Do you know what?
Jack: OrangUtans mean people of the jungle in Malay.

One other boy was very cute:
Boy 1: Do you know what?
Boy 2: No, I don't know!

Lastly they performed a dance with moves that explained some of Jack's cheeky behaviour earlier on in the week!

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