Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Roses? No Thanks!

If ever there was an equivalent of a Scrooge for Valentines day then that would be me. I have never really been a fan of the day even in my teenage years - maybe due to the lack of anonymous cards or roses I received! And as I got older I just thought what a rip-off day it really is - all the pressure to buy roses, cards, balloons and whatever else tickles ones fancies! And the must to go to a restaurant serving a Valentines special menu with romantic concoctions. I remember Donncha and I trying to find a non-Valentines restaurant in London one year - thank god for the Chinese takeaway!

Now after saying all this I will be gobsmacked if a bouquet of roses did appear on the doorstep tomorrow morning - from Donncha of course. He is spending the day in Dubai and probably the best thing for me tomorrow is being able to call him once again after being unreachable in Beirut. 

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