Friday, July 12, 2013

Tour of Bere Island

Bere Island is across from Castletownbere, home to a small community and accessible to the mainland by a small car ferry. Yesterday we did a tour of the island on a rib boat. As it is this week, the weather was marvellous but going at such speed we soon felt "very cold". The ride around the island was very exciting and we saw several sea caves admiring the formed rocks and the handywork of the waves, water and weather. Also what we couldn't believe was how blue the water was in the caves, and with it all the purple jellyfish. We also saw a beach that we couldn't visit on the day we went on the island as Bere Island is home to a small army base (yes, they have an army) and on that day they were on live firing exercises on the best beach of the island (!?!) - all the more reason to go back there. And the last detour was the salmon farm with the salmon jumping to catch the feed, as Donncha explained to the kids, salmon soon to be sashimi!

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