The real benefit of coming to Bangkok was seeing our kids get to know Rohan and Rahul again after 9 months apart - it was like we had never left except that Jack is now talking a mile a minute and Ayden is involved in everything.
After years of preparing and cooking Christmas dinner, this year we decided to take the easy route and eat at the restaurant by the pool. Savita and her boys along with Roland joined us for lunch which worked out very well as none wanted to eat Turkey with only Donncha having something resembling a traditional Christmas lunch. Roland (who was working as it's a normal working day in Thailand) and Savita were dressed more formally, everyone else was in shorts and tee-shirts.
We did admit though that we missed the chaos of Christmas in Brunei with all the cousins coming for lunch - looks like the lure of Bangkok may have to be adapted to a post christmas visit next year.
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