Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We went to the doctor and the doctor said...

no more monkeys jumping on the bed!!!

Now there's a song for us! It's been a week of doctors and minor injuries. Iman very bravely went through with root canal for a tooth that has previously given her trouble. She was very brave and stayed ever so still in the chair. Luckily she didn't need the big I! I must also mention here  cousin Zahra here who had a tooth extraction today and needed the big I. First tooth out so the tooth fairy should be visiting tonight.

Now Ayden...we all know how active this little one is. Unfortunately while perched (and bouncing) at the edge of the bed two sundays ago he fell off backwards and landed on his shoulder. He cried but not for long and we carried on with our day. But he complained of pain in the shoulder and we took him to our family doctor who gave him the good once over and said he was ok. We then flew off to Singapore. He was bruised and occasionally complained of pain but not much for us to take anything seriously as he was still very active jumping, throwing balls, running etc. It was only when we got back to Brunei last Sunday did he start to wince in pain even crying when we moved him that night. And the following day I took him to hospital and they confirmed a broken left clevicle which is on the mend!!! He refuses to wear a sling and even more difficult is limiting the climbing, running, jumping....

And Jack, he woke up yesterday morning with a shiner under an eye. He says it was Ayden and a couple of days ago he did say that Ayden hit him but not a day goes by when they don't get into a scrap so it's a first for either of them...

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