Friday, August 21, 2009

With our nets on the rock pools...

One sunny but very windy morning in Ballybunion...

Some must have thought it was a good time to go for a dip or have a swimming lesson

But we thought it was better to take our nets to the rock pools and try our luck

It was tricky to get to

And the seaweed was very squishy under our feet which we didn't like..

But we weren't the only ones there - these people even had a bucket?!

We weren't quite sure what we were doing at first

And the boys kept scooping up stones

But Iman with the pink net soon got the hang of it and caught several shrimps - you would need to catch a lot more to make a sandwich so we let them go 

Still it was a lot of fun and I managed to take lots of fun pictures!

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