Friday, October 26, 2007

Digital Kids

My niece Zahra brought home a piece of homework a few weeks ago which had her drawing what her grandmother played with when she was little, what her mother played with and what she plays with today. I think my mum's and my sister's were on the lines of kites and hopscotch. Of course they are games that kids play as well today but has been well over taken by the likes of PSP and Nintendo which Zahra had as her game.

It made me think, my kids will never know life without an iPod and will never experience having to rewind a tape over and over again to hear a favourite song. We have played Jack's favourite "Umbrella" in the car so many times that if it was on tape I don't think it will be well by now. The same goes for the old VHS tapes - always send them back to the video shop rewound to the beginning!

As for the digital camera, (and this is really the reason for all this) my kids are forever picking up my camera and snapping away either taking pics of themselves or anything they can see - in Jack's case it is always himself as he hasn't figured out which way round the camera should be. This would have been unthinkable when I was growing up - wasting exposures on the camera was a big no-no.

So here we have it two decent self-taken pics out of a dozen or more blurred ones.

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