Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Iman's School Trip

I joined Iman's Reception year yesterday on their first school trip. I had several errands to do so I missed the first stop which was to the Jame Asr' Mosque. The second part of the trip was to the Royal Regalia building. When I was little it was called the Churcill Building with a statue of Churcill in the original courtyard and the attraction in the building was an aquarium which was a bit dark and scary for me as a four year old. Really I think it was just a collection of glass tanks but I was made to believe that they had a collection of piranhas!

I was late and missed the group photograph (which was in the BB today - Iman looked great). And I also missed all the instructions with regards to the questionnaire that I was handed along with my own group including Iman. And the fact that we had to lock away all handbags with camera and mobile phone. I did manage three pics before I was told to put everything away - just as well really as I had forgotten to recharge it and had no battery power left.

I can't really talk much about the exhibits or what everything is called (should have paid more attention to that questionnaire). It's an impressive exhibition and I was impressed yesterday as I was seven years ago when I first went there with Donncha. So the tv monitors don't work when you press the buttons but who ever watches those screens in museums anyway. It was an enjoyable morning with Iman and her friends. The girls were really good for me - each only disappearing a couple of times - but the staff there were excellent, very friendly and helped out with the kids.

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