Monday, January 28, 2008

Kids Love Parties!

I share my birthday with my brother-in-law Feisal so this evening we had a family dinner at my parents place. Before it got wild we managed a picture of the kids together. Iman and Zahra performed a great dance routine for us, chereographed none other by their guru Fatin and her sidekick Iqah. We missed Donncha and my Mum (who is back this evening).

I rooted around for old birthday pictures and found this from my 4th birthday. I am in the middle sitting down, Jasmine fourth from the right top row and I guess you can all spot Hanna in her lovely long gown. Sitting next to me is my friend Connie who I was at kindergarden with. I don't remember much but from the pictures it looked like a great party. Thanks Mum for all those fun birthday parties!

1 comment:

Suisse Maman said...

Happy belated birthday Miah!!! I recognise Didi & Laila, Don, Mona and of course you guys but noone else. Anyone else we know? Love Pipi's dress btw. If only you saved those retro dresses... The kids can have a 70s party! Haha! love and kissesxxx