Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jerudong Park outing

The most common question we get asked as parents is 'When are we going to Jerudong Park?'. At a point in time, it was a playground built with a vision but those were different times and it's now showing the decline associated with an unwanted toy.... I'm confident that Michael Jackson would fail to recognize it these days....

But as you can see, the kids love it and manage to look great in this photo !

New camera means more actions shots and no better person than Iman to oblige.

Ayden and Donncha having a chat - Donncha enjoying the warmth again after a week in Dusseldorf at -20. It's Ayden's first proper outing to the park but he was not keen on any rides which suited Donncha fine!

Kids having a blast and showing no fear of heights.....

Target practice - nobody showing much talent in this department

The trip was a success but we're confident that tomorrow morning as we pass by on the way to school, we'll again be asked 'When are we going to Jerudong Park?'. Living two minutes away and passing it every day guarantees another visit soon!

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